[Herky] First Impressions: Iowa hangs around, but falls to No. 1 Purdue 87-73 in Mackey Arena

kvoigts at wisemanengine.com kvoigts at wisemanengine.com
Fri Feb 10 09:08:39 PST 2023

My first impression is that Iowa has to play much better to even snif at the Sweet 16.  What we saw was a good example of how this team performs against the best.  The 14 point deficit tells it all (even though Purdon’t caught some points at the end).


Lots of wins going forward need to get us a 3-6 seed in order to have a ghost of a chance.


Keith Voigts


From: Herky <herky-bounces at lists.herky.net> On Behalf Of Larry Edwards
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 8:14 PM
To: herky <herky at lists.herky.net>
Subject: [Herky] First Impressions: Iowa hangs around, but falls to No. 1 Purdue 87-73 in Mackey Arena




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