[Herky] Chippy x2

Stephen Somermeyer steve at somermeyer.com
Fri Mar 11 14:26:56 PST 2022

 Think the refs let quite a bit of physical play go for most of the game and struggled to get the game back under control. I'm thinking that Rutgers will have a new conditioning coach soon.
I did think that the team defense was excellent, especially down the stretch.  Would have liked for the Hawks to close out the game without the several sloppy turnovers at the end.  
I also think that Rutgers will make the NCAA field.
Go Hawks!
    On Friday, March 11, 2022, 05:07:41 PM EST, Scott Werling <scw969 at hotmail.com> wrote:  
 Not sure what to think of this game.  RU got out fast, Hawks looked 
lethargic.  Somewhere someone got them going.  But all those stupid 
Technical fouls.  WTF is up with that.  Then that RU coach gets tossed.  
I'm guessing he said the "magic word."  But Connor Mac bumping into RU 
#4.  Seemed like a bit of mutual combat.  But he'd already gotten 1 T 
for running his mouth.  Then gets his 2nd and out of the game.

What is up with all the jawing?  I've never played HS or college 
basketball, but I'm of the opinion to let your floor game speak 
volumes.  Does that brand me as an old fart?


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